Abell Planetary Observer's guide

A list of over 80 planetary nebulae, magnitudes 11 to 20. Features Observations and Sketches for each object.
Price is £15 (before P&P).
In conjunction with Alvin Huey of faintfuzzies.com the Webb Deep-Sky Society brings you a series of excellent observing guides.
These guides are printed on quality paper and spiral bound. To order any of these guides please contact Webb Deep-Sky Society sales (sales@webbdeepsky.com).
A list of over 80 planetary nebulae, magnitudes 11 to 20. Features Observations and Sketches for each object.
Price is £15 (before P&P).
A selection of 170+ Flat Galaxies from the Revised Flat Galaxy Catalogue. Many are dim and requires a 16" or larger scope.
Andrew Robertson tried this guide out in Norfolk, see how he got on .
Price is £12 (before P&P).
All globular clusters above -50° declination. This list includes all Messier, NGC and Palomars and Terzans. There are a few “impossible” globulars, such as the two 2MASS globulars, FSR 1735, in this list as well. 90+ globulars. Most are observable with an 8” scope. (128 pages)
Price is £12 (before P&P).
Planetary nebulae, supernovae remnants and protoplanetaries that are observable above about -50° declination. About 350+ objects are included. Many stellar planetaries are left out. (322 pages)
Price is £18 (before P&P).
The first group of 400 Herschel object generated by the Ancient City Astronomy Club in 1980. This is an excellent next list for observer's who completed the Messier list. A 6 inch telescope is sufficient to see all objects on this list (400+ pages).
Price is £20 (before P&P).
The third group of Herschel objects generated by Tom Hoffelder consisting of 300 galaxies. This is an excellent step for those who completed the Part I and II list. A 10 or 12" scope is needed to see all objects on this list, but an 8" can see most of them. (300+ pages)
Price is £15 (before P&P).
Galaxy Trios inspired by Miles Paul’s list and by the Astronomical League Galaxy Groups Observing Club. But there are much more than the two original lists, some very challenging for large telescopes such as my 30" reflector. 200 trios and triple systems. 8” or larger scope (257 pages).
Extra: This file also contains a selection of the easiest gravitational lensed quasars, such as the Double Quasar in Ursa Major and Einstein’s cross in Pegasus.
Price: POA (Webb Deep-Sky Society sales (sales@webbdeepsky.com).
Small Galaxy Groups inspired by the Astronomical League Galaxy Clusters Observing Club with some additional selections. 60+ groups. 8” or larger scope. (151 pages)
Price: POA (Webb Deep-Sky Society sales (sales@webbdeepsky.com).