Picture of the Month: R Aquarii and Ced 211 in Aquarius
Two of my favourite galactic objects: variable stars and nebulae. It's easy enough to observe R Aqr most of the time, but what about the nebula, Ced 211? There's a lot of detail on offer in Peter's image.
Galaxy of the Month: NGC 672 in Triangulum
Owen's surprised at his oversight of this interacting pair of galaxies. One should be relatively easy, even with smaller scopes, whilst the other is a greater challenge for this September.
Nebula or Cluster of the Month: NGC 7662 in Andromeda
A bright and accessible target from Patrick to start the northern observing season. All sizes of telescope should provide something to reward observers of this planetary nebula.
Double Stars of the Month: STF 2751 and δ PsA
Bob brings you a close but even pairing in Cepheus that's visible in small scopes. His more southerly choice is a tougher prospect and, being uneven and low from the UK, a good sky will be needed.
Object of the Season: Emission Nebula NGC 1499 in Perseus
Wolfgang Steinicke would appreciate your observations of NGC 1499 in Perseus for his Object of the Season column in the Deep-Sky Observer.
The Deep-Sky Observer
Profusely illustrated, The Deep-Sky Observer is printed on art paper. Its magazine format encourages all amateurs to make a contribution to the Society's work.
Double Star Section Circulars
Double Star Section Circulars (DSSC) feature the latest techniques and measurements from double star observers around the World. They are available as PDFs for free download.
Some observations and images provided by amateur astronomers around the globe. We're happy to receive your images, sketches and observations of the deep-sky made in pursuit of your projects.