Object of the Season (Winter 2021)

Planetary Nebula NGC 1514 in Taurus

NGC 1514 was discovered by William Herschel on 13 November 1790. It was his prototype of a ‘nebulous star’. The central object is a binary star, an unusual case. The planetary nebula shines strongly in the light of double ionized oxygen (OIII). Thus, a filter is useful.

Planetary Nebula NGC 1514 in Taurus - Credit: Göran Nilsson and The Liverpool Telescope
This image of Planetary Nebula NGC 1514 in Taurus provided by Göran Nilsson and The Liverpool Telescope.
NGC 1514
Position (2000)
04h 0 9m 16s.9 +30° 46' 33"(Tau)
Visual Magnitude
Central Star Magnitude
2.2' (0.5 ly)
900 ly
Other Designations
IV69, h311, GC810, PK 165-15.1, LEDA 2882948

Results of the observations of NGC 1514 will be published in DSO 190.

Wolfgang Steinicke - Nebulae and Clusters Section Director