December 2018 - Picture of the Month
Herbig-Haro 222 (Orion Streamers) in Orion

This month I bring you more dust clouds. In those clouds are the luminous stock waves caused by the outflow from forming stars: Herbig-Haro objects.
In Steve's image we're looking at a 20 arc-minute field on the edge of the Orion Giant Molecular Cloud Complex. He's chosen to feature the arcing structure of Herbig-Haro 222 which is in the upper centre of his image.
Though admittedly not as impressive, I can see at least seven other Herbig-Haro objects in there too, and perhaps unsurprisingly, this region of the sky is packed with them.
Up in the top left corner is IC 428, which is... I don't really know other than to say it's a bright nebula. I've seen supernova remnant in dso-browser (which seems unlikely), NED calls it a nebula, and SIMBAD claims it's an Object of unknown nature
. Whatever it is, it seems that it was discovered by Williamina Fleming on Harvard plates from the late 1880s.
James Whinfrey - Website Administrator.