Observations of NGC6928
These are the observations available for NGC6928. If you have any of your own that you'd like to submit we'd love to put them on the website.
Observation of the NGC 6928 Galaxy Group
Dale Holt has kindly provided his observation notes and sketches of the NGC 6928 group in Delphinus, observing the field on 2 August 2013.
Dale's Comments
I got my chance, lovely sky tonight, for a change :) SQM reading 20.70 at my location, M31 direct vision without dark adaption. Right, the very interesting NGC 6228 galaxy group in Delphinus, I got 7 members, 6 Identified the 7th below 6928 itself not identified at this point? 20" mirror and Watec video cam, 20 sec integrated exposure, sketched from b&w CRT monitor screen.
Dale also provided a link to scanned image of his BAA Report.
James Whinfrey - Website Adminstrator.