1 July 2024: A new Galaxy, Double Stars, Nebula and Picture of the Month. Scroll down to take a look.

15 May 2024: Issue 193 of The Deep-Sky Observer (DSO) is now available for subscribers to download

1 May 2024: Observation of NGC 4365 by Mark Stuart.

5 August 2023: DSSC 31 is available to download.

Our Annual Meeting

Our Annual Meeting for 2024 took place on Saturday the 15th of June 2024 at the Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge.

We'd like to extend our thanks to all involved for making it a great day, and especially to our speakers.

We'll be back here with the news of our 2025 meeting as soon as we fix a date.

Our Publications

The Webb Deep-Sky Society has a wide range of publications on offer.

You can grab a free PDF copies of Faith Jordan's 'An Introduction to Deep-Sky Observing' and Miles Paul's Atlas of Galaxy Trios from amongst our free publications.

With kind permission of Kent Wallace, we can now offer our own reprint of his titanic work Visual Observations of Planetary Nebulae. Kent sold out of his own print run some time ago, so don't wait too long.

Mike Swan's excellent Atlas of Open Star Clusters is now available as a single spiral-bound volume. This has a few additions over his earlier volumes 1 and 2, which as still available.

Owen has a new book out based on his long running Galaxy of the Month column. He's added new information and updated his older work. It also contains detailed finder charts.

Issue 193 of The Deep-Sky Observer (DSO) is now available.

Why not join us?

You can now join the Webb Deep-Sky Society online using PayPal. Options include Paper and PDF versions of the Deep-Sky Observer journal, or PDF alone for a reduced price.

Perhaps you'd like to join our groups.io mailing group? Access is limited to members, but you're all welcome.

You can subscribe to our mailing list to receive emailed updates when a new issue is released.

Picture of the Month: IC 4628 in Scorpius

The emission nebula IC 4628 (Prawn Nebula) in Scorpius courtesy of ESO and Martin Pugh
Image credit: ESO. Acknowledgement: Martin Pugh

I tried for an amateur contribution, and at least some of the data in this wonderful image is, but time ran out. Fortunately ESO have taken a look at this emission nebula too.

Galaxy of the Month: NGC 6368 in Ophiuchus

Galaxy NGC 6368 in Ophiuchus by the Pan-STARRS1 Surveys
Image credit: Pan-STARRS1 Surveys

Rising high in the summer skies Owen's galaxy might be, but it is little researched or observed, and it may prove rather tricky to find all the same. Of course the only way to know is to give it a try.

Nebula or Cluster of the Month: NGC 6857 in Cygnus

NGC 6857 in Cygnus provided by Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)
Image credit: Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)

Patrick brings you an under observed nebula in the heart of the summer Milky Way. It might take a while, but he believes you will find it worth the effort needed to find it.

Double Stars of the Month: ν Dra and δ Ara

Tiny finder chart for the double star δ Arae in Ara
Image credit: created with Cartes du Ciel

Bob presents us with a find binocular pairing at the head of the Dragon this July. To the south we'll need a telescope for his wide and very uneven double.

Object of the Season: Emission Nebula NGC 1499 in Perseus

Emission Nebula NGC 1499 in Perseus - Credit: Aroughroad via Wikimedia Commons
Image credit: Aroughroad, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Wolfgang Steinicke would appreciate your observations of NGC 1499 in Perseus for his Object of the Season column in the Deep-Sky Observer.

The Deep-Sky Observer

The cover of The Deep-Sky Observer 192

Profusely illustrated, The Deep-Sky Observer is printed on art paper. Its magazine format encourages all amateurs to make a contribution to the Society's work.

Double Star Section Circulars

The contents page of Double Star Section Circular 28

Double Star Section Circulars (DSSC) feature the latest techniques and measurements from double star observers around the World. They are available as PDFs for free download.


M61 in Virgo by David Davies
M61 in Virgo by David Davies

Some observations and images provided by amateur astronomers around the globe. We're happy to receive your images, sketches and observations of the deep-sky made in pursuit of your projects.