The Webb Deep-Sky Society
I became interested in astronomy after reading physiology at university and a period as a forensic scientist. Early astronomical observations were made on brighter variable stars and lunar occultations, with especial concentration on grazing occultations. When the professional astronomers’ interest in these declined, my observing turned to deep-sky and I am a long-time committee member of this society and responsible for the production of most of its publications. For five years I appeared on a local radio programme publicising astronomy. These often involved 'phone-ins'. I was a regular guest on hospital radio and also gave numerous talks to local societies, women's institutes and other groups. Formerly Chairman of the Wessex Astronomical Society and winner of its Helen Bagainy Award, I am currently an Honorary Member of the Hampshire Astronomical Group, and have produced the BAA's paper Circulars since no. 662 in 1986. In 2013 I became a Council member of the British Astronomical Association. No longer an active observer, I had been self-employed for more than four decades when I recently retired from the post of Finance Director of a printing company. I am also Chairman of a county sport's association, a post I hope to hold for some years to come, and sport's photography is a continuing hobby. Don Miles |